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2017-11-24 11:21:48 浏览: 来源:

Harvard University Economics Research
哈佛大学 ( Harvard University ),是一所享誉世界的私立研究型大学,是著名的常春藤盟校成员。这里走出了8位美利坚合众国总统,上百位诺贝尔获得者曾在此工作、学习,其在文学、医学、法学、商学等多个领域拥有崇高的学术地位及广泛的影响力,被公认为是当今世界最顶尖的高等教育机构之一。
哈佛大学经济学学术水准属于世界顶级,长期霸占全美第一名, 这里有Morton L. and Carole S. Olshan学者,这里有Moise Y. Safra学者,六大商业经济学教授科研组已虚以待位,现招募科研助理。
Corporate Finance[公司金融];
International Business[国际商务];
Business strategy[商务战略];
Corporate governance[公司管理];
Business and government[商业和政府];
How do/should individuals make decisions in this interactive world? Through this research program, students are introduced to the game theoretic perspective of social and economic activities. More importantly, students will learn to read papers in the frontier of economics and appreciate their strengths and weaknesses. Toward the end of the program, students will be guided to initiate their own research on a topic of their choice. Hopefully the research is continued in the future and turned into a paper.
The tentative plan is to:
2. Discuss numerous games encountered in the real world – so you get a sense of how economists “simplify” complex situations into a compact game-form;
4. Formulate an interesting question and probe its answer via guided research – so you take away first-hand experience of how research actually goes and discover for yourself whether it is exciting or excruciating.
As the program will be mostly self-contained, it is not necessary to have previous expo- sure to game theory or any other subfield of economics. However, some advanced math-ematical knowledge is indispensable to understanding the materials and ultimately proving theorems of your own. The detailed requirements are listed below:
For high-school students – you should be comfortable with algebraic manipulations such as solving systems of (linear) equations. Knowing some basic calculus (how to take derivatives) and/or probability (what expectation means) is a definite plus, but those will pose no problem as long as you are willing to look things up;
Unit 3 – Games with Incomplete Information
Readings: Fudenberg and Tirole Chap. 6
Keywords: incomplete information and imperfect information;
type and strategy;
Examples: Cournot again, beer-quiche game, first-price auction (adv.)
After the first week, high-school students and college students will take two different tracks in the program, pursuing two sets of topics. If you are an undergrad, jump two pages forward.
Week 4 for Prefroshes – Directed Research
Potential topics: network formation, learning in networks, matching networks, asymp- totics of large matching markets . . .
People whose publications you should check out: Matthew Jackson, Daron Acemoglu, Sanjeev Goyal, Benjamin Golub, Alvin Roth, Parag Pathak, Fuhito Kojima, Scott Kominers . . .
1. 挑战自身潜能,切身体会常春藤校严苛学术氛围,参与寒暑假科研可以亲身体会国际精英们在这样的学术氛围下如何完成自身长。
2. 极大拓宽视野,哈佛大学经济学专业导师可以调动哈佛大学商学院、文理学院的资源,为学生搭建超强学术人脉关系。
3. 学生将有机会与顶尖教授零距离交流,获取该产业第一手现实资料;
4. 科研完成时,学生将会全面了解美国藤校经济学专业知识体系,并对美国以及其他国家的经济模式创新有所了解。
5. 通过此次科研,参与学生将会对留学名校有个清晰的认识,并依此做出最优的人生规划。