在口语考试第一部分中,考官会先进行自我介绍,并提出与常见话题相关的问题。 考官会要求核对您的身份。
考官会提出一系列与常见话题相关的问题,比如家乡、家庭、工作、学习、兴趣等。第一部分考试共 4 到 5 分钟。
您需要一位学习伙伴进行口语考试练习。 请您的学习伙伴就如下问题对您提问。如果有条件,请录下您的 口语练习。
. What kind of place is it? 那是一个怎样的地方?
. What’s the most interesting part of your town/village? 你的家乡最吸引人的是什么?
. What kind of jobs do the people in your town/village do? 你家乡的人们都从事哪些职业呢?
. Would you say it’sa good place to live? (Why?)你认为那里是适合居住的好地方吗?(为什么? )
. Tell me about the kind of accommodation you live in? 告诉我你现在住的地方是什么样
. How long have you lived there? 你在那里住了多久了?
. What do you like about living there? 你认为居住在那儿怎么样?
. What sort of accommodation would you most like to live in? 你最喜欢住在什么样的房子里呢?
完成口语模拟考试三部分的练习之后, 请听自己的练习录音,检查自己的答题情况。您还可以听每一部分 考试的录音并阅读音频文本,这将有助于您了解考试题型。但是这并不标准答案,因此请不要进行背诵。
您可以阅读音频文本, 查看听不懂的单词并思考以下问题:
Examiner: Now, in this first part, I’d like to ask you some more questions about yourself, OK? Let’s talk about your home town or village. What kind of place is it?
Candidate: It’s quite a small village, about 20km from Zurich. And it’s very quiet. And we have only little ... two little shops because most of the people work in Zurich or are orientated to the city.
Examiner: What’s the most interesting part of this place ... village?
Candidate: On the top of a hill we have a little castle which is very old and quite well known in Switzerland.
Examiner: What kind of jobs do people in the village do?
Candidate: We have some farmers in the village as well as people who work in Zurich as bankers or journalists or there are also teachers and some doctors, some medicines.
Examiner: Would you say it’s a good place to live?
Candidate: Yes. Although it is very quiet, it is … people are friendly and I would say it is a good place to live there, yes.
Examiner: Let’s move on to talk about accommodation. Tell me about the kind of accommodation you live in...
听音频: 口语考试第二部分
在雅思口语考试第二部分中,您将会拿到一张答题任务卡, 卡上有一个相关的话题。任务卡上还包括您需 要说到的要点。 在该部分口语考试中,您将有机会就一个主题陈述观点。
您将有一分钟时间准备任务卡上的话题。考官会提供铅笔和纸,您可以记笔记。您将有 1 到 2 分钟时间进 行陈述, 考官会就相同话题提出一到两个问题。第二部分总共进行 3 到 4 分钟。
当您在就答题任务卡上的话题进行陈述时,请您的学习伙伴听您的陈述。时长为 1 到 2 分钟。您的学习伙 伴就相同话题提出一到两个简单的问题,结束该部分。如果有条件,请录下您的口语练习。
Describe something you own which is very important to you. 介绍你所拥有的物品中对你非常重要的一件。
. Where you got it from?你是从什么地方得到的
. How long you have had it?你拥有该物品有多长时间了
. What you use it for; and 它的用途是什么,以及
. Explain why it is important to you. 解释它对你非常重要的原因。
请就该话题进行 1 到 2 分钟的陈述,你有一分钟时间思考要陈述的内容, 如有需要, 可以做笔记辅助。
. Is it valuable in terms of money? 它是否价格很昂贵呢?
. Would it be easy to replace? 是否容易替代/更换?
完成口语模拟考试三部分的练习之后,听自己的练习录音, 检查自己的答题情况。您还可以听每一部分考 试的录音并阅读音频文本,这将有助于您了解考试题型。但是这并不是标准答案。
你可以阅读音频文本, 查看听不懂的单词,并思考以下问题:
Examiner: Alright? Remember you have one to two minutes for this, so don’t worry if I stop you. I’ll tell you when the time is up.
Candidate: OK
Examiner: Can you start speaking now, please?
Candidate: Yes. One of the most important things I have is my piano because I like playing the piano. I
got it from my parents to my twelve birthday, so I have it for about nine years, and the reason why it is so important for me is that I can go into another world when I’m playing piano. I can forget what’s around
me and what ... I can forget my problems and this is sometimes quite good for a few minutes. Or I can play to relax or just, yes to … to relax and to think of something completely different.
Examiner: Thank you. Would it be easy to replace this, this piano?
Candidate: Yes, I think it wouldn’t be that big problem but I like my piano as it is because I have it from my parents, it’s some kind unique for me.
在口语考试第三部分中,考官会就第二部分讨论的话题提出相关更深入的问题。在该部分中,您将有机会 讨论一些更抽象的问题和思想。这部分内容是同考官的双向讨论, 共计 4 到 5 分钟。
请您的学习伙伴使用以下问题, 推进讨论练习。陈述尽量自然、流利。如果有条件,请录下您的口语练习。
Let’s consider first of all how people’s values have changed. 我们先讨论一下为什么人们的价值观会发生 变化。
. What kind of things give status to people in your country? 在你的国家, 哪些东西能使人们获得地位?
. Have things changed since your parents’ time? 从你父母的时代开始, 是否发生了什么变化呢?
. Finally, let’s talk about the role of advertising.
Finally, let’stalk about the role of advertising.最后,我们来谈一谈广告的作用。
. Do you think advertising influences what people buy? 你认为广告会影响人们的消费吗?
听听您的模拟考试录音,您认为您表现最好的是哪一部分? 您认为您需要改进的方面有哪些?您可以如何 改善自己在口语考试中的表现?
回顾整场测试,听录音,阅读每一部分的音频文本。这将有助您了解考试题型,但是并不代表示例中的考 生已达到了某一特定水平。
您可以阅读音频文本, 查看不理解的单词。并思考以下问题:
Examiner: We’ve been talking about things we own. I’d like to discuss with you one or two more general questions relating to this topic. First, let’s consider values and the way they can change. In Switzerland, what kind of possessions do you think give status to people?
Candidate: The first thing which comes in my mind is the car. Yes, because lots of people like to have posh cars or expensive cars to show their status, their place in the society.
Examiner: Is that a new development?
Candidate: No, I think it isn’t.
Examiner: People have thought like that for quite a long time?
Candidate: Yes. Another thing is probably the clothing. It starts already when you are young. When the children go to school they want to have posh labels on their jumpers or good shoes.
Examiner: What do you think of this way of thinking, that I need to have a car or certain clothes to show my status?
Candidate: Probably it’s sometimes a replacement for something you don’t have, so if your wife has left you or your girlfriend, you just buy some new, I don’t know, new watches or new clothes to make you satisfied again.
Examiner: You don’t think of it as a healthy way of thinking?
Candidate: It’s probably not honest to yourself. You can understand what I mean?
Examiner: Yes. And do you think this will change? In the future, will cars and designer clothes be status symbols in the same way?
Candidate: I’m sure that clothes will be ... that the thing with the clothes will be the same. I’m not so sure about the cars because cars cause lots of environmental problems and probably in some years, a few
years, this will change because it’s not reasonable to drive a car anymore.
Examiner: Can you tell me a little bit more about that?